
Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Holidays, Hormones, and Happiness

Lots of changes this year with the family and how this Mom/Trainer will be spending the Christmas Holiday…all good, but different.  It feels weird for me having to adjust to the changes in life and not just for the holidays, but with my hormones.  Thanksgiving month was the start of struggle with marked and increased changes to that which I can only attribute to transitioning into another part of womanhood…OH MY!  I mean really…all at the same time…during the holidays…really, really??? 

I was already having a bit of a time adjusting to the changes occurring with how the holidays would have to be split up as a Mom of adult kids that have their own new agendas…bitter sweet happiness…but still a big adjustment.  Mixed in with the throws of hot flashes, high anxiety, other personal changes,  irritability due to sleep deprivation, just not feeling like ME…GEEZ…the pumpkin seeds just are not cutting the mustard anymore…lol…and for heaven’s sake watermelon season is long gone.  I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband through this journey and  hats off to all the other husbands out there that are understanding and do not take personal all the goings on of menopausal issues…GOLD STARS!

I am such a faith person and celebrate what Christmas means to me as a woman of God, but let me tell you, I have had to have more than a few one on one conversations over  the last two months.  Life can feel overwhelming when hormonal changes are occurring and YES…although I am usually springing about happy as a clam during the cherished holiday season…it just has not felt the same this year.  I understand that it is probably the combo of everything happening at the same time, but YIKEE.  It is even more awkward that I can’t even offer up a good explanation for feeling high anxiety…I already have an A1 personality type anyway which probably does not help.  On top of that, what the heck happened to my energy, stamina, and everything else that felt like Darla…I mean come on now…this is a double REALLY, REALLY?

OK…I am sharing some very personal things right now and please do not confuse it for complaining…I am letting you know that I, just like you,  go through life, experience what every woman of a young, fit almost 50 can go through and it can SUCK.  YES…I said it…some days, it really sucks to not feel like ME…my plug has been pulled right out of the wall and I am holding onto the cord going OK…now what?  You know me…I do not let things get the best of me…so more research was in order and a trip to the doctor.  I have worked with many women who experience peri-menopause and menopause symptoms and although I suspected that this was indeed the culprit invading my inner body space, I needed to rule out the possibilities of medical issues not related.  Believe me, I would have hit the floor with a positive pregnancy test…love babies, love my children, am a grandmother…but that would have definitely sent me to the peri-menopausal special place for TLC.  Whew…negative…let’s move on and off that subject. 

The beautiful thing about life is that we all experience different things when it comes to reaching menopause…some sail through without a scratch, while others, and that would include me, do not necessarily care for the changes that are happening through the process.  So, through my research, I am  giving a natural herb blend menopausal support supplement a try and am hopeful for a positive result after reading the reviews,  understanding each herb independently and the possible benefits/negatives to the body.  The next few months will tell me if I need to take a different direction, but I will keep a positive outlook and in conjunction with the transdermal hormone creams that I use now, what do I have to lose.  I will let you know how it goes a couple of months into my herbal therapy.

What a subject to write about during the holidays, but HERE IT IS…out of my control, happening right now, and Merry Christmas Darla…ho ho  ho.  One of my fabulous clients shared “look at it this way…you will be able to wear white pants now”.  I had to laugh…she was right…love my clients.  As much as I motivate them, there are days that they motivate me without their even knowing it.  I say, I really enjoy my strong coffee in the morning right now too…especially after a night of visits from the” flash club”.  This is a part of my life that I have no control over, except for the introduction of herbal supplements, but that truly does not change that I am changing.  Acceptance of again, the New Modified Me, feels like it needs to repeat itself through my menopausal journey.  Technically, I will not be in true menopause until I have not had a cycle for a year…WHAT???  Ughhh…so, I can be out and about in my new WHITE PANTS and still be surprised…OH FA LA LA LA LA…JOY JOY JOY JOY. 

Honestly, it can feel unfair, but I have experienced all kinds of unfairness in my life, AND all circumstances have been used to grow me in a positive way to be a BETTER, STRONGER, and even MORE FAITHFUL person.  So, I will look upon this part of my life in the same way, and I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.  In fact, I am HAPPY and have so much to be thankful for with my health, meeting the man I can truly say I LOVE and understand fully what that means and feels like, my children, family, friends, clients, and even the fact that I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in…more than HAPPY…I am humbled and thankful.  So, when the overwhelming Life is Bigger than ME Menopausal Monster tries to creep into the crevices of my mind and body, I will try really hard to concentrate on all the things positive in my life.  This is in fact a journey that will require patience and TLC, and I know that some days will be more challenging than others, but I also realize that even this experience will enable me to help others, and through that, I will be blessed. 

From My Family to Yours

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a FABULOUS weekend and upcoming holiday week!
Dedicated to my Always Supportive Hubby, Don
Stay Healthy!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Target Specific Heart Health Risks Protection Nutritional Supplement Guide:
Following a heart-healthy diet can do a lot to reduce risk, but for many people, it's not enough. Heart-protecting drugs usually come with troublesome side effects, such as fatigue and the possibility of liver disease. For some risk factors, like homocysteine and low-density lipoprotein prescriptive drugs are not available.


I. Total Cholesterol: Desirable cholesterol is below 200; borderline high is between 200 and 239; high is 240 and above.

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements:

Plant sterols. Beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols have a chemical structure similar to that of cholesterol, which enables them to reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. Several studies have found that plant sterols can lower cholesterol levels by an average of 6 to 8 percent. Take sterol supplements 2 to 3 times a day, products labeled plant sterols, phytosterols, or beta-sitosterol. This form of vitamin B-3 has been known since the 1950's to reduce cholesterol levels. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration for lowering cholesterol, it is sold both by prescription and over the counter. As effective as niacin is, it triggers the release of histamine, which often will turn the skin beet red and tingly for about an hour. If you keep taking niacin, the intense flushing episodes should eventually ease. Start at 100 mg. once or twice a day and work up to 500 to 1,000 mg. three times a day.

Coenzyme Q10: People who must take statin drugs should also take 100 to 200 mg. of CoQ10 a day because statins can deplete the body's natural supply.

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol: Small, dense LDL globules are far more likely to cause blood clots than are larger, less dense ones. And when a person's antioxidant intake is low, LDL oxidation increases, which appears to be a key step in the development of heart disease. If total LDL is high, it may be wise to have an additional blood test to find out which type predominates.

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements: Plant sterols can lower LDL levels by an impressive 8 to 14 percent. Take sterol supplements 2 to 3 times a day, products labeled plant sterols, phytosterols, or beta-sitosterol.

Vitamin E: Won't lower LDL, but will curb its tendency to promote heart disease. Contrary to common thinking, LDL is not entirely bad - it's needed to transport fat-soluble nutrients, such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10, throughout the bloodstream. Vitamin E and other fat soluble antioxidants prevent LDL oxidation. Take 400 to 800 IU of natural-source vitamin E.

Dietary Options: To lower LDL, reduce your intake of saturated fat (in fatty meats and dairy products) and avoid processed foods containing trans fats such as most shortenings, partially hydrogenated oils, and most cookies and crackers on the market.

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol: HDL is widely considered the "good" form of cholesterol, mainly because it helps transport the LDL or bad cholesterol to the liver where the LDL is then processed for excretion. The higher your HDL levels, the lower your risk of heart disease.

Ideal HDL levels are 55 mg./dL or higher for women and 45 mg/dL or higher for men.

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements:

L-carnitine: A component of protein, is highly recommended.

Fish Oil "Omega 3" Supplements: Contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - both essential dietary fats that boost HDL. They're also potent blood thinners so they prevent clotting, and they help to regulate heart rhythm.

Niacin: A form of vitamin B-3, will raise HDL levels. You may experience an intense one-hour flushing sensation after your take it. Aim for 500 to 1,000 mg. three times daily.

Dietary Options: To boost HDL, don't skimp too much on fats, particularly heart-healthy fish oils and olive oil. Low-fat diets, long recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease, actually lower HDL levels. Cut back on refined carbs, which can decrease HDL.

Triglycerides: Triglycerides actually account for most fat found in the blood and in body fat. A higher ratio of triglycerides to HDL has been associated with a significant increase in heart attack risk.

Anything under 150 mg./dL is considered normal. Aim for 100 mg. or less. Levels of 150 to 199 mg. are borderline high, and 200 mg. and above are considered high.

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements:

Fish Oil Supplements: Can lead to impressive reductions in triglyceride levels. In some studies, plant sterols have also been shown to reduce triglycerides.

Dietary Options: Triglyceride levels are directly related to the quantity of refined carbohydrates you eat, so reduce your intake of table sugar, white bread, cookies and other sweets, refined pasta, and bagels, and focus instead on whole grains.

Homocysteine: Homocysteine is normally a short-lived byproduct of protein metabolism - it's only when levels become elevated that they cause trouble. If you eat lots of veggies, particularly those that contain folic acid such as spinach, romaine lettuce, and other greens, there's a good chance your homocysteine is at healthy levels.

The American Heart Association considers normal levels to be from 5 to 15 micromoles per liter of blood. Ideal levels are under 7.

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements:

Three B Vitamins are particularly helpful in breaking down homocysteine: folic acid (1,000 to 5,000 mcg. daily), vitamin B-6 (25 to 50 mg. daily), and vitamin B-12 (2,000 mcg. daily.)

Dietary Options: Load up on leafy greens: spinach, romaine lettuce.

V. Glucose Tolerance

Beneficial Nutritional Supplements: Many supplements can help lower and stabilize glucose and insulin levels, but if you already take glucose-regulating drugs, be sure to work with your physician to adjust their dosage.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid: An antioxidant, is widely used in Germany to treat peripheral neuropathy, a nerve disease caused by diabetes. Studies have found that it can lower both glucose and insulin levels. Take 100 to 300 mg. daily.

Chromium Picolinate: An essential mineral, has been shown to lower glucose and cholesterol levels. Take 400 to 1,000 mcg. daily.

Cinnamon: Can lower fasting glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Ginseng Supplements: 1 to 3 grams of American ginseng (Panax quinqufolius L.) significantly reduced the rise in blood sugar.

Silymarin: The antioxidant-rich extract of milk thistle, is well known for increasing liver activity. Italian researchers found that 600 mg. of silymarin daily reduced several key measures of glucose tolerance, including fasting glucose and insulin, over the course of a year.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Makes Spray Tanning Equipment Safe For Use? are all aware of the fact that letting your skin baked under sun means exposing it to harmful ultraviolet ways, which may result in sunburn and several other types of health issues. Direct exposure to sun's harmful rays may cause skin lesions, scorching, and fatal diseases such as skin cancer. The sun's ultra violet radiation is not the only reason that may harm your skin in an irreparable manner, but the sun tanning booths and beds are also known to produce similar type of harmful UV rays. So, if you want a safe and effective tan, we recommend that you use spray tan equipment.

The spray tan equipment offer a better and safer substitute for sun. This equipment uses a safe solution that contains all natural ingredients to help you get the desired tan without the harmful effects of natural suntan method. The most active component used in the sun tan solution is the DHA (Dihydroxyacetone), a natural and active tanning ingredient derived from the plant sources. This is a non-toxic component that chemically reacts with the skin's keratin layer and turns it golden brown in color.

DHA is capable of darkening an individual's skin color without any harmful effects on the skin's condition. This ingredient has been approved by regulatory bodies such as TGA (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration) as a reasonably safe cosmetic ingredient. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has also authorized the use of DHA as a harmless cosmetic ingredient. The real DHA sticks to the epidermis section of the skin and slowly darkens it over a period of hours, and soon you will be able to achieve your desired color effect.

Besides DHA, the spray solution also contains Aloe Vera, a natural ingredient that oxygenates the skin and helps in the cellular renewal process. It also contains soothing and moisturizing properties that helps keep your skin soft and supple. It also maintains the pH balance of the skin.

Antioxidants present in the tanning solutions help protect the skin cells against free radicals and they also prevent any kind of tissue damage. The antioxidants prolong the shelf life of products, and act as an effective preservative.

As there are absolutely no hazards of dangerous radiations, chemical side effects or any probable skin issues, the use of spray tan equipment is considered as the most effective and efficient way to get a beautiful tan. Besides providing you a quick and wonderful way to get a sun tan at your own home, this sunless tanning equipment also offers a layer of safety to your skin, protecting it from sunlight when you step out of the home.

The sun tanning equipment gives you the same glow you would otherwise get by baking your skin under the sun for hours or getting the expensive treatments at the tanning salons. This equipment saves you time and also saves your skin from any harmful diseases. So the next time you wish to sport an attractive tan, forget sunbathing and opt for this easy to use equipment instead.

A Buyer's Guide to Medical Insurance is important to shop wisely for trip insurance. Many people buy coverage that seems inexpensive only to find out that they are not adequately covered when a medical emergency occurs. Below are a few key questions you should ask your insurance provider before purchasing trip insurance:

o What is not covered by the policy? Insurance companies call these "exclusions," and every policy has them.
o Are there specific exclusions relating to sports or other activities?
o Does the plan have a deductible that you must pay each time you file a claim?
o Does the plan deny benefits if your medical emergency arises because of a "pre-existing condition or health problem"?

Knowing the answers to these questions can help you avoid unpleasant surprises when you make a claim. Make sure you understand exactly what your trip insurance plan covers. When in doubt, call your insurer. A reputable insurance company can give you straight answers to your questions. Most offer toll free numbers so you can call them directly from wherever you are.

If you find that a plan has too many restrictions and complications, or that your questions are not being answered satisfactorily, do not hesitate to look somewhere else.

A comprehensive travel health insurance plan usually covers the following emergency medical expenses:

o Hospital accommodations
o Medical bills such as those for a physician, surgeon, and anesthetist
o Ambulances
o Diagnostic services such as laboratory tests and x-rays
o Private registered nurses
o Medical aids such as slings or splints, and the temporary rental of wheelchairs or walkers
o Prescription drugs
o Cost of returning a deceased back home

Remember that when it comes to insurance, you get what you pay for. When shopping around for trip insurance, it is important to keep in mind that not all insurance policies are alike. Be aware of minor price variations between insurance companies (the cheapest may not be the best company to deal with when you have a claim.).